Original Medicare Plan
This is the original Medicare Parts A and B which become available to individuals at age 65 and in some cases, before age 65 due to disability.
Medicare Advantage also known as Medicare Part C
Medicare Part C, known as a Medicare Advantage plan is a combination of Part A and Part B coverage. Some Part C plans include prescription drug coverage, known as Medicare Part D. These plans are offered through private insurance companies with little to no premium.
Medicare Part A Overview
Part A covers inpatient hospitalization, skilled nursing faility care, blood (first three pints), hospice care, and home health care.
Medicare Part D Overview
Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage. It helps cover costs of prescription drugs and may lower your costs.
When purchased alone, Medicare Part D may accompany Original Medicare and/or a Medicare Supplement. Part D may also be included in Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans.
Medicare Part B Overview
Part B covers medical expenses (such as physician services, inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical services and suplies, physical and speech therapy, diagnostic tests, and durable medical equipment); blood (first three pints); and clinical laoratory services, and home health care
A Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy is health insurance that can help pay some of the heath care costs that Original Medicare doesn't cover, like coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles.